Adult Reader Enjoyed this Book as Much as a Child Would
"In The Magical Adventures of Quizzle and Pinky Palm, a modern-day book of fairy tales by Teresa Mae Waterland, we become friends with varying characters that you can’t help but fall in love with....
Every chapter in this engaging fairy tale book takes us on a new adventure with the group, each telling a story in which the readers are entertained from start to finish. As you read each story, you can’t help but fall in love with these quirky characters and I have to admit, I admired their loyalty to each other and fully believed these characters were real within this storybook.... There were eleven chapters in total, all telling a different story for the readers to get lost in for a few minutes. What I really enjoyed was how the author showed not only the love between the different characters but also how everyone came together when needed and worked as a team to solve problems. I also enjoyed seeing how these close friends saw each other like extended family members. Plus, each chapter had not only colorful but also black and white pictures throughout the book which helped to illustrate certain parts of that chapter’s story. The creativity in these pictures provided by illustrator, Aletha Heyman, was amazing and it only enhanced my enjoyment of this book overall. This book has the children’s age range of 7-11 years, but honestly, this adult reader enjoyed this book as much as a child would. I think this would make a great book to read out loud to the children in your life, allowing readers of all ages to get lost in Ms. Waterland’s world. Well done!" - Diana Coyle for Reader Views For the full review click here. |
A Beautiful, Playful Work of the Heart, from the Heart
"The Magical Adventures of Quizzle and Pinky Palm is truly an exquisite read. Teresa Waterland's richly developed characters, full of magic and metaphor, are delightful. Multiple layers for both children and parents alike: Seamlessly combines fantasy and reality with the light and shadows of self awareness: Rich in rhyme, rhythm and humour, anything can happen in a world of everywhere and every dream. Truly a deep breath of fresh air in our world of shallow breathers. A beautiful, playful work of the heart, from the heart."
- Debra Palmer M.Ed, RCC, IBP (integrative body psychotherapist) |
Full of Wisdom and Brilliant Humor
"In The Magical Adventures of Quizzle and Pinky Palm, Teresa Mae Waterland invites us into a lovingly crafted magical world of a welcoming little village of Justaroundthebend with the Garden of Everywhere nearby. Teresa describes amazing magical creatures and talking animals dwelling there in perfect harmony. Every story in the collection is simple, yet full of wisdom and brilliant humor. 'Behind every good wish from the heart is the ability to accept things just as they are,' writes Teresa in Pinky’s Wish. Teresa turns a trivial situation, like Christmas shopping, into an incredible adventure. Children will learn how beautiful and meaningful friendship can be and that we must always protect our loved ones from evil. Quizzle and Pinky are fascinating characters every child will love. Both have their doubts and fears, showing young readers that these emotions are an inevitable part of our lives, but we can control them. I liked the vibrant illustrations by the talented Aletha Heyman and Teresa's mesmerizing writing style. The Magical Adventures of Quizzle and Pinky Palm will help develop children's creative thinking and inspire them to never give up on their dreams."
- Readers' Favorite Review by Nino Lobiladze For the full review click here. |
A Lighthearted Book that Blends Magic with Earthly Themes
"Waterland presents an episodic children’s book about magical people, magical creatures, and grand life lessons....
Heyman’s black-and-white drawings with occasional colorful full-page illustrations ably decorate the narrative, which spans an entire year. Waterland’s prose features occasional cheeky rhymes, moments of humor, and detailed characterization—even of trees in the forest. No character is portrayed as completely evil; antagonists’ vulnerabilities are revealed, and foes often turn to friends. A lighthearted book that blends magic with earthly themes and the loftier nature of all things." - Kirkus Reviews For the full review click here. |
Both Whimsical and Wise
"Both whimsical and wise, The Magical Adventures of Quizzle and Pinky Palm is an appealing introduction to a magical crew.
With a colorful cast of woodland animals and magical creatures, Teresa Mae Waterland’s enchanting short story collection... delivers lessons related to friendship, community, and forgiveness.... Some of the stories are lighthearted; others are serious. Without fail, though, the stories’ conclusions are uplifting (though one is ambiguous on a characters’ ultimate fate). Setting the stage for further adventures, the stories of The Magical Adventures of Quizzle and Pinky Palm introduce magical friends and their supportive community." - Foreword Clarion Review by Vivian Turnbull For the full review click here. |
It's Much More Than a Children's Book
"I received a copy of [Teresa Waterland's] book today and I am overwhelmed. It is so beautiful! I have just started reading it and I am amazed at how compelling it is.... I must say it is much more impressive than I envisioned; I thought.. it was a children’s book but it is much more than that. I have read many children’s books over the years for many age groups, but none extend like [this] does.... This is a combined work of art and literature that is well beyond my vision of a children’s book."
- Ida Makaro, aged 96, Kamloops, BC, Former Editor at Merritt Herald |
Get Your Copies, Folks!
"An amazing read for all ages.
If you haven't ordered one of [Teresa Waterland's] books I urge you to do so. It's amazing!!!! Get your copies, folks!" - Arlene Ward, Adjunct Professor University of Northern British Columbia |
Invoke Their Imagination through Wonder and Whimsy
"If you are looking for books for your child to invoke their imagination through wonder and whimsy while also providing a platform for conversations about life, look no further!"
- Codie Booth, MA Counselling Psychology, BA, RRP, RCC, CCC |
Check It Out, the Boys LOVED It!
"The Magical Adventures of Quizzle and Pinky Palm is a beautiful read. The author’s playful humour and clever alliterations make for a lovely pulse that carries the reader through the story with ease. The loveable characters and their playful adventures captured and held the interest of my 5- and 7-year old boys, keeping them engaged and asking for more! As a parent, there is nothing more fulfilling than watching my children become immersed in the magic of a good book, with complete delight and wonderment in their eyes as they are guided through excitement, imagination and adventure. The Magical Adventures of Quizzle and Pinky Palm accomplished that and so much more and is a 'must have' for any child’s library. Check it out, the boys LOVED it!"
- Jessie Palmer, MSW, RSW, Instructor, Vancouver Island University, and Proud Mom |
Something This World Always Needs More Of
"My aunt's book is finally out! I remember her reading me each new chapter as she wrote them when I was little and after reading the final copy it could easily still be my favourite book. There are such positive sentiments to all of these magical creature's adventures. Teaching kindness, humility and acceptance. Something this world always need more of."
- Michaela Newman, Hairstylist and Proud Niece |
They’ll Love The Magical Adventures of Quizzle and Pinky Palm!
"If your young’uns like magic and adventures and fairies and mythical creatures and friendship and dangerous foes and happy endings, they’ll love The Magical Adventures of Quizzle and Pinky Palm!"
- Lorna McLellan, Freelance Editor and Grandmother (who loves reading aloud) |